My Favourite Plants for a LivIng Wall

Our plant wall is one of my absolute favourite parts of our home! It bring so much life to our space and is such a conversation piece, honestly everyone has to touch it. I always get asked if its real (yes it is), if it’s a TV (lol) and also just about how to plant it and take care of it and its incredibly easy!

The wall pockets that we used were purchased off amazon and they’re no longer available (I’m sorry), but here’s the link for a very good affordable dupe in grey! These pockets are completely waterproof so I have never had an issue with the drywall behind it. Planting the wall is very messy, but it’s just dirt and it cleans up so easily so don’t be scared. The first step is to make a plan about which plants are going where to make sure you have good coverage of the pocket and to ensure it looks nice and full! Then you just plant the plants the same way you would in any pot, just make sure there is about an inch gap from the top of the pocket so that it doesn’t overflow while watering.

All of these plants have shown me that they can live happily together in a plant wall and are all robust enough to withstand periods of drought (I water every 1-2 weeks), low levels of light in the winter, high levels of light in the summer and still look great at the end of the day! They have survived with my moderate level of care for two full years so they are definitely easy easy plants to take care of.

Spider plant

I love love love this plant for a live wall! It flows over the edge so nicely and fills in a lot of space and is so easy to maintain! If you ever neglect your plant wall and things get a little dry (which never happens, hah) the tips of the leaves will turn a little brown and all you have to do is snip off that edge and the plant will look good as new!

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Whether its golden, neon, marble, or jade pothos they will all look amazing in your plant wall! This vining plant has spread out across the entire top of our wall and is the easiest plant to propagate. They can tolerate low or high levels of light, are very sought tolerant and are very easy to take care of (perfect for a plant newbie)!

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Philodendrom Brasil

This plant has pretty much the same requirements as a pothos. It’s a beautiful vining plant that can really adjust to your home and light exposure. This plant will tell you exactly when it’s thirsty because the leaves will droop and look a little sad and then perk right up after a watering.


English Ivy

An ivy isn’t going to fill up your plant wall, but it is a a beautiful addition because it can tolerate periods of dryness, can grow very long and can also tolerate various levels of light!

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Dragon Tree (Dracaena marginata)

Because every plant wall needs a little height from a low maintenance plant!

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Dracaena Warneckii

This plant just looks really cool and adds some interest to a living wall.

Hoya Tricolor

Okay I for sure thought this plant would be the first to die when I first planted the wall but somehow it has really survived! It is completely happy on the same watering schedule as all the other plants and continues to thrive and I’m obsessed with the thick leaves!

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If you are ever planning a live wall in your home I would completely recommend these plants. The only plant that failed in the wall was a boston fern, it’s a very needy thirsty plant and got neglected and shrivelled up and unfortunately died. But after a little trial and error, I’m so happy with how our plant wall looks and how much life it brings to our dining room.

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and if you don’t have space for a full plant wall, here are some smaller simple wall planters that I’m also digging!

Nahyun Arnal